Through your determination and desire to conquer yourself you will one day understand the beauty and wisdom of the Shaolin method of martial arts. Although harsh at times, training of martial arts will make you realize the many imperfections within.
As years go by, you will overcome many doubts and shortcomings within yourself which will give you uncommon strength of the mind and body. Eventually, conquering others becomes effortless and meaningless. Conquering yourself however, becomes a formidable task – worthy of a virtuous man anywhere. Nevertheless, one must realize that physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of this type of training are only a guiding light of eventually achieving great skill, self confidence, wisdom, and enlightenment. Through your failures and accomplishments, you must seek the truth within yourself, even though it may take you a lifetime of great efforts and tedious work to achieve this.
And even then, you might realize that you have only begun… and no matter where you are and what you do, you must always be tolerant, understanding, and compassionate to others. At the same time however, you must know that in the moment of danger, you will have the skill and courage to defend the truth.
– Grand Master R. Terlecki